International students

What is SUL?
Studenteransattes Landsforbund (SUL) – The National Union of Student-workers is a more than 50 years old trade union for student-workers in teaching, study guidance and laboratory work. SUL holds the official collective labor agreement between the state and the workers in the aforementioned categories at the universities and many artistic educational institutions.

SUL has a close relation to the student unions at the different educational institutions and National Union of Students in Denmark (Danske Studerendes Fællesråd, DSF), who have seats in the board of SUL too. Together with the student unions, SUL works for better student conditions especially when students have part time jobs at the institutions. SUL is affiliated, but not a part of The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (Akademikerne) who bargains the broader conditions of academics in the public sector.

What can SUL do for you?
SUL is first and foremost a trade union that works for the student workers at universities and artistic educational institutions. If you experience problems regarding your work e.g., unpaid work hours, sudden dismissal, or any kind of agreement violations, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Especially as an international student, the legal system around student work might be hard to navigate. We are more than happy to help you understand the framework of our collective agreement, your own labor contract or your monthly time sheet. SUL is primarily run voluntarily, but we have professional legal help available at any time.

How can you get in touch with us?
Send us an email at – we are here to help you.